Conference Papers

Andersson, C., Mazé, R., and Isaksson, A. (2019) ‘Who cares about those who care? Design and technologies of power in Swedish elder care,’ in Proceedings of the Nordic Design Research Conference (Helsinki, Jun).

Hernberg, H., and Mazé, R. (2018) ‘Agonistic Temporary Space: Reflections on ‘Agonistic Space’ across Participatory Design and Temporary Use,’ in Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference (Hasselt, Aug).

Mazé, R. (2018) ‘Bookmaking as Critical and Feminist Practice of Design,’ in Proceedings of the Design Research Society Conference DRS (Limerick, Jun).

Andersson, C., Mazé, R., Isaksson, A., Ehrnberger, K., and Börjesson, E. (2017) ‘Materializing “Ruling Relations”: A case of gender, power and elder care in Sweden,’ in Proceedings of the Nordic Design Research Conference (Oslo, Jun).

Hernberg, H., and Mazé, R. (2017) ‘Architect/Designer as “Urban Agent”: A case of mediating temporary use in cities,’ in Proceedings of the Nordic Design Research Conference (Oslo, Jun).

Hirscher, A-L., and Mazé, R. (2017) ‘Negotiating Values in Design: A case of establishing and developing a co-sewing café,’ in Proceedings of the Nordic Design Research Conference (Oslo, Jun).

Mazé, R. (2014) ‘Our Common Future? Political Questions for Designing Social Innovation’, in Proceedings of the Design Research Society Conference DRS (Umeå, Jun).

Mazé, R. (2013) ‘Socio-Ecological Innovation: Cases of sustainable urban development and design’, in Proceedings of the ERSCP-EMSU Conference (Istanbul, Turkey, Jun).

Wangel, J., Mazé, R., de Jong, A., and Höjer, M. (2012) ‘Backcasting and Design for Sustainable Social Practices’, in Proceedings of the Nordic Conference on Consumer Research (Gothenburg, Sweden, May-Jun).

Mazé, R., Gregory, J., and Redström, J. (2011) ‘Social Sustainability: A design research approach to sustainable development’, in Proceedings of the IASDR Conference on Design Research (Delft, The Netherlands, Oct-Nov).

Avila, M., Carpenter, J., and Mazé, R. (2010) ‘3Ecologies: Visualizing sustainability factors and futures’, in Proceedings of the LeNS Conference (Bangalore, India, Sept-Oct).

de Jong, A., and Mazé, R. (2010) ‘Cultures of Sustainability: “Ways of doing” cooking’, in Proceedings of the ERSCP-EMSU Conference (Delft, The Netherlands, Oct).

Mazé, R. (2009) ‘Critical Form(ations): A Case Study’, in Proceedings of Communicating (by) Design (Brussels, Apr).

Bergström, J., Mazé, R., Redström, J., and Vallgårda, A. (2009) ‘Symbiots: Conceptual interventions into energy systems’, in Proceedings of the Nordic Design Research Conference (Oslo, Aug-Sept).

Mazé, R. (2008) ‘Criticality Meets Sustainability: Constructing critical practices in design research for sustainability’, in Proceedings of Changing the Change (Turin, Italy, Jul).

Mazé, R., and Redström, J. (2007) ‘Difficult Forms: Critical practices of research and design’, in Proceedings of the IASDR Conference on Design Research (Hong Kong, Nov).

Backlund, S., et al. (2006) ‘Static! The aesthetics of energy in everyday things’, in Proceedings of the Design Research Society International Conference (Lisbon, Oct).

Jacobs, M., Löfgren, U., and Mazé, R. (2005) ‘Free Energy: Alternative designs’, in Proceedings of the CUMULUS Conference (Lisbon, May).

Mazé, R. (2005) ‘Joining Tradition and Innovation in Design Research Projects’, in Proceedings of the Design Research Conference of ERA (Helsinki, Sept).

Jacobs, M., and Mazé, R. (2004) ‘Design-by-Doing: Workshops for designing interaction’, in Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference (Toronto, Jul).

Mazé, R., and Redström, J. (2004) ‘Form and the Computational Object’, in Proceedings of the Conference on Computers in Art and Design Education (Copenhagen, Jun-Jul).

Gaye, L., Mazé, R., and Holmquist, L.E. (2003) ‘Sonic City: The urban environment as a musical interface’, in Proceedings of New Interfaces for Musical Expression (Toronto, May).

Holmquist, L.E., Mazé, R., and Ljungblad, S. (2003) ‘Designing Tomorrow's Smart Products’, in Proceedings of Designing User Experiences (San Francisco, Jun).

Mazé, R., and Jacobs, M. (2003) ‘Sonic City: Prototyping a wearable experience’, in Proceedings the IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computing (New York, Oct).

Mazé, R., and Jacobs, M. (2003) ‘Underdogs and Superheroes: Designing for new players in public space’, in Proceedings of User Aspects of ICTs Conference (Helsinki, Sept).

Mazé, R., and Bueno, M. (2002) ‘Mixers: A participatory approach to design prototyping’, in Proceedings of the Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (London, Jun).