Journal articles

Hirscher, A-L., and Mazé, R. (2019) ‘Infrastructuring for Open Forms of Use and Changing Roles of Users,’ Journal of Peer Production (13): unpaginated.

Mazé, R. (2019) ‘Politics of Designing Visions of the Future,’ Journal of Futures Studies 23 (3): 23-38.

Keshavarz, M., and Mazé, R. (2013) 'Design and Dissensus: Framing and staging participation in design research', Design Philosophy Papers, 1: unpaginated.

Mazé, R. (2013) ‘Formes Critiques: Pour une pratique critique du design’, Les Cahiers du Musée National d'Art Moderne, 123 (special issue 'Design & Prospective Industrielle'): 46-55.

Bergström, J., et al. (2010) ‘Becoming Materials: Material forms and forms of practice’, Digital Creativity, 21 (3): 155-172.

Mazé, R., and Redström, J. (2009) ‘Difficult Forms: Critical practices of design and research’, Research Design Journal, 1 (1): 28-39.

Mazé, R., and Redström, J. (2008) ‘Switch! Energy Ecologies in Everyday Life’, International Journal of Design, 2 (3): 55-70.

Laurier, E., Mazé, R., and Lundin, J. (2005) ‘Putting the Dog Back in the Park: Animal and human mind-in-action’, Mind, Culture and Activity, 13 (1): 2-24.

Mazé, R., and Redström, J. (2005) ‘Form and the Computational Object’, Digital Creativity, 16 (1): 7-18.

Holmquist, L.E., et al. (2004) ‘Building Intelligent Environments with Smart-Its’, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 24 (1): 56-64.